So I made it back in one piece from the US. Actually I got back over a month ago but there been so much to take in that I just had to let the blog rest for a bit. Otherwise I really had to sit down and quantify what I felt when I landed on European ground again, and I knew that would take a while so I procrastinated it away. But here we go: First impression was literally, wow its nice to see a car again. And by car I mean a normal metal box with four wheels which I can see over if I am standing next to it, and not the monster of SUVs and trucks and pedestrian-scaring things that is driven in America. Well, first it looked kind of funny from the bus window, like little Lego cars speeding next to me, but then I got used to it. Secondly, I had forgotten how grumpy British people were. As I was plodding along in Heathrow I was looking people in the eyes and saying hi, but I after four angry looks I remembered Oh, thats not the way we do it over here so I shut up. By the time I had reached the bus driver I had gotten so many angry looks that his jolly jokes took me by complete surprise and I had to stand and have a chat with him. Anyway. I eventually got to Oslo where I realized I had said goodbye to summer and my flip-flops and had to buy a thick leather jacket to survive. After a few weeks in Norway and Sweden, seeing mum, dad, brother, stepdad, brother's girlfriend, old friends etc, I returned to Leeds, where I go to University normally. It rains a lot in Britain. This could have something to do with the mould in our bathroom. I hear its in the 80s in DC. Thats unfair. I only know about 4 people who are still here at Uni in Leeds. Feels weird when the people you want to tell about your day is an ocean away. And I am crap at emailing. Its not all gloomy though as my housemates and me have started a cooking scheme, so I am responsible for dinner sometimes and subsequently have to eat something more than pasta with ketchup ever night. Awesome! Its also nice to see some investigating, impartial journalism too. Thank god for the BBC/NRK(Norway)/SVT(Sweden). Anyway, DC is well missed, friends and also the city. From what I remember the sun was always shining there... But hey, if you're ever in Britain come and say hello!
Ps. Above is my puppy Svea and below my car (both technically my dads). Just to show what has been keeping me busy. I know!