Sunday, September 24, 2006

On the Abortion Debate: Maybe its because I come from Scandinavia, or maybe its because I’ve been lucky to get liberal upbringing but I actually get terrified by the abortion debate in this country. It gives me chills down my back and it really scares the living daylight out of me. But I wont go into how women should be able to decide over their own body, nor about how the world have enough unwanted babies as it is or about how far a fertilized egg is from being a human being, and I won't even mention a womens's basic right to enjoy sex. Right now I'm just terrified by atrocious violent discourse that is common use in the pro-choice/pro-life debate.
I have been researching a paper on the recent developments on the South Dakota abortion ban (which only allows termination if the mother’s life is in danger, not in any other circumstances, not even if she’s raped or a victim of incest) and I came across this blog post that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Its written by a blogger called BB about her trying to get the morning-after-pill after her and her partner of several years used a faulty condom (they already have several children together but simply not the economy for one more).
She got mainly friendly support but the pro-life movement really came out to show off its best side with comments like these: (more here).
Michael: Logic would indicate that if you didn't want to get pregnant you shouldn't have been screwing. You have a CHOICE not to get fucked, right? You're sound as if you were raped. Sex doesn't happen on accident. You have no self control and now you have to have an abortion or a fourth child. Dumbass.
Dumb Bitch: What an obviously fabricated story, stupid bitch. Yes, it is George Bush's fault you are a slut and can't kill your baby, that's right, ok...
Anon: There's a really simple solution. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. It's that easy, Suck it up and act like a responsible adult, and the next time you have any sort of sexual intercourse, have the maturity to understand what you're doing.
Joe: Dirty whores like you are sickening.. deal with responsibility you abortion whore.

Is it just me; or does that scare you a little bit?


cs said...

Those comments were disgusting. Our culture is very sick indeed and full of hate.

HomeImprovementNinja said...

Well this country was founded by religious crazies, so it could be that the craziness is part of our cultural DNA.