Thursday, November 02, 2006

Yesterday I had a surreal feeling first. Well, I had two surreal feelings yesterday actually, and I had to mention both on the blog; the first one about the snow storm in Scandinavia is discussed above.
But I had one about DC too. When I lived in London it took me six months and a visit from my mother to get me to see the Houses of Parliament. I’ve been in DC for two months now; and only yesterday did I take up my friends offer of a private tour of the Congress (he interns there). Sightseeing is never really a priority; but every time I do it, it makes me feel like I get to know a new city a little bit better, like its becoming more mine and less foreign. Its a really wicked feeling.
To make a city yours, you need to know the touristy parts; as well as the cool, quirky, drunken, shiny hidden parts. Only when you know how to entertain the socks of both your 58-year-old aunt, your 12-year-old niece and your 25-year-old best friend so that they never want to go home; you can know you are home. Seeing the Congress was not like exploring Dupont Circle nightlife, but in all ways both are life-depending necessary for my DC trip.

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