No, its still beeping because there is just little bit of battery left lying around in the cord. That was Fabi's reply to why the firealarm was still beeping after we craftedly (if that is a word) took it out of the roof and pulled out the battery. But, yes it was still beeping. Like once every two minutes. So I had to phone my friend Jarryd and he explained that it was because it had a little Chinese watch battery so it could still warn you to change the batteries. Damn. But anyway the noise wasnt that bad so we could live with it whilst we were pre-gaming Saturday night. But then I came home on Sunday (dont ask) after brunch and the beeping drove me absolutely insane. Crazy. I felt like hitting with a hammer because the battery wouldnt go back in again and my head was hurting very badly from the night before. I couldnt do anything but magically my friend Durita could. She made it stop beeping and I dont think I have ever loved anyone so much. These are pictures of us trying to dismatle the thing in the first place. Enjoy. We did.
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