Wednesday, February 21, 2007

My First Job Interview Ever

Will I become an intern for a undisclosed Big Broadcasting News Corportation?
Little brat you might think, who has never had a job interview before. She is 22 for god sake. It is, however, not my first job. But stirring Dirty Martinis in a dimly lit bar in Hoxton, East London, didn't really require an interview, as such. More like I rocked up and my boss asked; "Can you look cool?" - "Yes" I replied confidently and boom, I was a bartender.
There were other jobs too, but this really isn't about my current Curriculum Vitae but about tomorrow. I have been dying to do an internship in DC because I need more of a challenge than balancing two beers up the stairs in Madams Organ on a Saturday night (even though it is quite tricky. But practice has made perfection).
So I applied for some internship. Mainly in media since this is the new thing that I have suddenly realized I want to do (besides making world peace, but I thought media could be a great place to start hahahahahaha).
I am really nervous though, I have no idea what he/she is going to ask! Or how I should dress (Im thinking strict white shirt under grayish pencil skirt, black light tights and black patent-leather shoes... But typing that out just now made me think more Maggie Gyllenhall in the Secretary than young professional, damn you Maggie!)
So basically the news are that I am really really nervous about my interview tomorrow, plus I have to write my opinion piece for the Hatchet, plus to buy this outfit (which isnt allowed to be kinky), plus then go to Chinatown to eat tapas and drink red wine and then go bowling and drink beer.
God, I do really live a tough life..Be thinking of me at two pm! (oh, just realized you will now know I have an interview and ask me how it went, if I suck everyone will know...oh, well.)


Anonymous said...

Stine, I'm quite sure you won't suck. ;)

Don't go in with a hangover, and you'll do fine. :P

Fabijana said...

So.... how did it go?

Fabijana said...

So.... how did it go?

Fabijana said...

So.... how did it go?

Fabijana said...

it wasnt supposed to be posten three times... upsi