Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Soccer: FC Becken-Bauer is looking to have an honest chance at the indoor-five-aside-mixed-soccer-GW-championship this year. Our first play-off match was won last night by 1-8, next clash is on Wednesday, final on Sunday if we get there.
It really is true, we are just sin, sin, sin: Now I have to study the oppression of women since like Ancient Greece; that is a lot of oppression. Did you know that the saying "rule of thumb" comes from the times when a man was allowed to beat his wife with anything that was thinner than his own thumb.
Early Christian church fathers encouranged men to beat their wives for her own charity, because obviously we women embody the original sin (well, you did know we ate the apple and like, just made life hell for everyone, for the rest of all time). We, with our sexualness, stood in the way from men achieving great things, we embody guilt, sin, deformation, unwholiness and therefore we are just as Simone De Beauvoir said; the Second Sex. We should really be ashamed of ourselves, really. But I guess I have chosen not to have a conscience instead, oh well, who can be bothered feeling guilty all the time anyway, I got better things to do.

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