Friday, December 29, 2006
Smoking at airports and Sparkling Water
So yea, back in Scandinavia now. Its really nice to be back for a while. I must say I was pretty beat from the four months in the US, I slept for like four days when I got here. Oslo has been welcoming. Its not that cold, and just a little bit of snow. Ok, so Im pretty low on time right now as I am leaving Oslo tomorrow to go to Copenhagen for New Year. A sexy 10 hour bus ride through Sweden. But all banks close at 3 here so I got to go and get myself some Danish Kroner. Just two thoughts on the advancement of Scandinavian society (for better or worse); When I got to Copenhagen airport on my way here I saw this thing in the corridor. It was like a smoking booth but it looked a bit like a bus stop, i.e. it was just a roof and a bench. But the roof contained superstrong ventilation so the smokers could stand literally in the corridor and smoke openly while the ventilation effectively took away the all smoke. I thought it was pretty hi-tech, wonder when that will hit the rest of the world. Secondly, I love sparkling water in Oslo. It is so cavalier. Its not just sparkling water, first it comes in three different levels of bubbles. Like; a lot of bubbles, normal bubbles, and light bubbles. Then comes the flavor; it could be natural, or infused with natural fruit juice, or just flavored in everything for the berries of the forrest to mango and guava. It also comes mixed with a little bit of milk and juice to create this kind of smooth, lightly bubbled juice explosion. Its soo good. But I mean, is it a sign of a well matured society when it takes you 20 minutes to choose your sparkling water. Don't even get me started on the still.
Thursday, December 21, 2006
How to dismatle a fire alarm?

No, its still beeping because there is just little bit of battery left lying around in the cord. That was Fabi's reply to why the firealarm was still beeping after we craftedly (if that is a word) took it out of the roof and pulled out the battery. But, yes it was still beeping. Like once every two minutes. So I had to phone my friend Jarryd and he explained that it was because it had a little Chinese watch battery so it could still warn you to change the batteries. Damn. But anyway the noise wasnt that bad so we could live with it whilst we were pre-gaming Saturday night. But then I came home on Sunday (dont ask) after brunch and the beeping drove me absolutely insane. Crazy. I felt like hitting with a hammer because the battery wouldnt go back in again and my head was hurting very badly from the night before. I couldnt do anything but magically my friend Durita could. She made it stop beeping and I dont think I have ever loved anyone so much. These are pictures of us trying to dismatle the thing in the first place. Enjoy. We did.

Ok, so its not really an epilogue. I mean a term is coming to an end and in less than 36 hours I'll be in Scandinavia. But I am coming back so. But epilogue is such a good word, it kind of makes this post seem important. Ive been here for 4 months now. To quote, well, someone; "Its been emotional". DC is far away from home; America is far away from Europe. I have learned a lot. A lot about having no personal space, a lot about being friendly, and a lot in general of transatlantic relationships and what Americans really think of Europeans and the other way around. Americans think Europeans just smoke cigarettes and ravel in old glory from old empires. Partly true but no. Europeans on the other hand think Americans are stupid. Not entirely true either, however, I am getting slightly tired of people mixing up Sweden and Switzerland and asking me if I speak German.
My friend Dave is already in Europe, he informed me to be prepared that everything is really small over there. I dont know if I should expect a reverse culture chock. Ill be writing from Sweden and Norway to let you know. I am also going to see the Danish girls in Copenhagen for New Years which I am very excited about. I mean they are not coming back to GW like me, so it is easier to do the good bye thing this way, its more like; See you next week. Rather then erhhm, good bye, for a like, ever.. No no. Dont like that. Just see you next week. Better. And DC ill be seeing v soon to, so not too sad about that either.
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Ok. So its 22.52 Sunday night and I have yet to start my paper due last friday. But hey, I am an international student, allowed to be a bit of a slacker. Democracy in Lithuania isnt something you just dive into. Heavy procrastination is needed before. The Danish Girls and me have been incredibly geeky and teaching ourselves HTML. It is seriously funny, and dont tell anyone I told you. Look I made the description of my blog in a lightsalmon colour.
Anyway, We have also during our hours of studying/ procrastinating /lying on the floor crying with laughter developed a slight obsession with Eddie Izzard stand-ups. This is our favourite. Whenever I am stuck with work now I watch this. It helps. Press play and try it yourself.
Anyway, We have also during our hours of studying/ procrastinating /lying on the floor crying with laughter developed a slight obsession with Eddie Izzard stand-ups. This is our favourite. Whenever I am stuck with work now I watch this. It helps. Press play and try it yourself.
Friday, December 15, 2006
I feel terrible. Ok, so there had to be a point where my body said enough to the constant drinking, hard core studying til 4 in the morning, the deprivation of sleep, and the lack of regular meals that have been the theme of much of my last two weeks. And this point is now. Its had enough. I feel terrible, tired all the time, havnt eaten since Tuesday, feel weak and just want to get better. Im today slowly trying to eat some oats.
But what gets me right now is that, what is going on in DC? Why are they rebuilding the whole of Foggy Bottom the days that I am tragically ill. Construction works are everywhere, they have been really bad at my friends around New Hampshire Av and M for a while so its impossible to sleep there. Now they have seemingly come to my part of 24th street too. Its like waking up to World War I. Or how I imagined WWI to sound like anyway. Bombs, hammers against steel etc etc. It is very hard to sleep to. Not even my French friend's French sleeping pills helped. They still hammer their way into my sleep. I just wish they would stop building, I like Foggy Bottom as it is. Its fine by me to leave it like this.
But I guess my calls will go unheard and I must return to essay writing instead. i'll leave you with this; "Women, conditioned for millenia to accept the partriarchal definition of their role, have sexually and emotionally serviced men and nurtured them in a way that allowed men of talent a fuller development and a more intensive degree of specialization than a woman ever had" - Gerda Lerner The Creation of feminist Consciousness
But what gets me right now is that, what is going on in DC? Why are they rebuilding the whole of Foggy Bottom the days that I am tragically ill. Construction works are everywhere, they have been really bad at my friends around New Hampshire Av and M for a while so its impossible to sleep there. Now they have seemingly come to my part of 24th street too. Its like waking up to World War I. Or how I imagined WWI to sound like anyway. Bombs, hammers against steel etc etc. It is very hard to sleep to. Not even my French friend's French sleeping pills helped. They still hammer their way into my sleep. I just wish they would stop building, I like Foggy Bottom as it is. Its fine by me to leave it like this.
But I guess my calls will go unheard and I must return to essay writing instead. i'll leave you with this; "Women, conditioned for millenia to accept the partriarchal definition of their role, have sexually and emotionally serviced men and nurtured them in a way that allowed men of talent a fuller development and a more intensive degree of specialization than a woman ever had" - Gerda Lerner The Creation of feminist Consciousness
Friday, December 08, 2006
I feel very post-modern in my procrastination today. Back in the days, like in 2001, when I tried my best to not do work I tidied my desk. You know, stacked my post-its in a pile, threw away receipts lying around, lined up my pens in a straight line and opened my notebook on a fresh page, all ready to work.
Now, in the future I do this virtually in this place with no tangible things called my desktop. Its exactly the same but computerized. I put the Youtube videos in the entertainment folder, stack all the .pdf's about the European Common Foreign and Security Policy in the EU folder, put some iPhoto labels on the pictures I just got from Fabi, throw away some rough drafts of an essay in the Trash, and get everything clean to start work eventually. Its all very 2006.
But Im thinking now; what is the next step? I already communicate mostly over email and MSN, I get all my news here, I find out about all the events I go to here, I could do my shopping. Will I eventually be able to shower virtually? That would be handy, maybe.
Now, in the future I do this virtually in this place with no tangible things called my desktop. Its exactly the same but computerized. I put the Youtube videos in the entertainment folder, stack all the .pdf's about the European Common Foreign and Security Policy in the EU folder, put some iPhoto labels on the pictures I just got from Fabi, throw away some rough drafts of an essay in the Trash, and get everything clean to start work eventually. Its all very 2006.
But Im thinking now; what is the next step? I already communicate mostly over email and MSN, I get all my news here, I find out about all the events I go to here, I could do my shopping. Will I eventually be able to shower virtually? That would be handy, maybe.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Everything is bigger in America. The cars, the buildings, the TV shows, the politics, the coke bottles, the road signs, the tequilas, the military spending, yea pretty much everything. When everyday stuff is bigger I notice it more, like food sizes. I just had a sandwich. I ordered a small. Always order a small. It was huge, I could barely finish it. If you order a salad somewhere in DC you get a mountain of lettuce, like really, a mountain. Ok so I know this whole obesity thing is a problem over here, but Britain is the fattest European country, and most people I see everyday here in DC is average size, so I don't think that's all it. Am just wondering; where along the line did American's get more hungry than the rest of the World?
Monday, December 04, 2006
I think my to-do list is now 2 A4 pages long. Single spaced. 12pt Times New Roman.
Finals are hitting GW firmly, and it is so tiring. Especially for a girl who has been spending most term focusing on having fun; fun in Dupond Circle, fun in Adams Morgan, Fun in Georgetown. Not so much focusing on having fun in Gelman (GW library) or the Library of Congress or any other DC hot spot for studying. I mean, I have been working a bit, but I have figured out I am one of those people who can only work under deadline pressure. So when it comes to a 20-page paper I prefer to leave it to 3 days before, and then have 3 hour sleep a night and go slightly crazy. Not so healthy. But during this 20-page paper stress I have been so dry on inspiration to work on the blog, completely out of anything interesting to write. And then today I figured out; Oh, I can write about how I am stressed and all out on inspiration. So yeah; I'm all stressed and out on inspiration.
But I'm not going to become one of those bloggers that keeps on apologizing for not posting. It feels like most blogs I read once in a while leaves a big post about; Oh sorry I have been so busy, and oo I promise I will write more, and aah I have had such a full plate but I’ll be better.
So anyway, I will not apologize (even though in Sweden my mum seriously worries if I am dead every time I haven't posted…ok, so I am slightly sorry about that. Sorry mum). Instead I will think positively and think ahead; I'm looking forward to do xmas shopping in Georgetown, going to a free concert with my favourite Norwegian Jazz band; Tord Gustafsson Trio, in the Kennedy Center, and then going to a rave on Thursday, and all good things I am doing in DC before the 22nd when I go back to Scandinavia for Christmas.
Finals are hitting GW firmly, and it is so tiring. Especially for a girl who has been spending most term focusing on having fun; fun in Dupond Circle, fun in Adams Morgan, Fun in Georgetown. Not so much focusing on having fun in Gelman (GW library) or the Library of Congress or any other DC hot spot for studying. I mean, I have been working a bit, but I have figured out I am one of those people who can only work under deadline pressure. So when it comes to a 20-page paper I prefer to leave it to 3 days before, and then have 3 hour sleep a night and go slightly crazy. Not so healthy. But during this 20-page paper stress I have been so dry on inspiration to work on the blog, completely out of anything interesting to write. And then today I figured out; Oh, I can write about how I am stressed and all out on inspiration. So yeah; I'm all stressed and out on inspiration.
But I'm not going to become one of those bloggers that keeps on apologizing for not posting. It feels like most blogs I read once in a while leaves a big post about; Oh sorry I have been so busy, and oo I promise I will write more, and aah I have had such a full plate but I’ll be better.
So anyway, I will not apologize (even though in Sweden my mum seriously worries if I am dead every time I haven't posted…ok, so I am slightly sorry about that. Sorry mum). Instead I will think positively and think ahead; I'm looking forward to do xmas shopping in Georgetown, going to a free concert with my favourite Norwegian Jazz band; Tord Gustafsson Trio, in the Kennedy Center, and then going to a rave on Thursday, and all good things I am doing in DC before the 22nd when I go back to Scandinavia for Christmas.

Oh, and I have uploaded a bunch of pictures onto Flickr. From Thanksgiving, and working hard in the library, the Army v. Navy game in Philadelphia this Saturday, and other ones. A little random collection basically. its to be found Here!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Thanksgiving is a great holiday. I'm not sure we have anything similar in Sweden. Well, I guess we have midsummer, which also revolves around food and wine and having a good, stress free, time. But (sorry to say it) in the homeland of commercialism and consumer obsessions and Christmas decorations in April it is nice to see that thanksgiving hasn’t got a gimmick. There are no thanksgiving colours that need to be symbolised with shiny ribbons, no thanksgiving elf that needs to be bought, and no gifts to be compulsorily given, or received. Altogether, a great holiday of just eating and having fun. I guess you Americans knew that; but I was at least pleasantly surprised. I’ve been on Shelter Island for the weekend and it is beautiful. So good to get out of the city, went surfing yesterday, going sailing today, been haingnig out with family members I haven't seen in seven years, shooting clay pigeons, drinking tequila with the locals, its been, well, my best thanksgiving ever. Its setting the standard high, I like it.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Today I am going to New York, or actually Long Island, for my first Thanksgiving ever. I am very excited, both about the break and about the food! I will let you know how it held up. It is the busiest weekend travelling this weekend, my friend said 200 million people will be travelling. Im taking the Chinatown Bus, oh the joy!
Thursday, November 16, 2006
I think I’m in Love. With a big L. In love with New York. I once had a violent and volatile affair with London. It made me to who I am today; it left me pretty bruised and shattered, but more pleased, grown-up and cynical. Now New York has stolen my money, my health, my heart, my wallet and my toothpaste, and I feel happy about it.
I lost 4 credit cards so now I am living of 79 cents; its going pretty well so far, but by the end of the week I will have no friends left because they all have to buy me coffees constantly.
There is a Norwegian singer/song writer called Thomas Dybdahl. He sings this song called: ‘One Day you’ll Dance For Me New York City’. I think I like that to be true one day.
I lost 4 credit cards so now I am living of 79 cents; its going pretty well so far, but by the end of the week I will have no friends left because they all have to buy me coffees constantly.
There is a Norwegian singer/song writer called Thomas Dybdahl. He sings this song called: ‘One Day you’ll Dance For Me New York City’. I think I like that to be true one day.
Thursday, November 09, 2006

I am also excited about that the mid-term elections proved to be such a success for women. America is most likely getting its first female, and feminist, Speaker of the House. It also got more female senators, possibly its first female presidential candid, and more women in the House of Representatives. Its great. Its about time. However, not too unexpectedly the media is slow to catch on. Most of the Mainstream Media was covering the election looked like, as NYPost put it; A men's Club from 1962.
As much as Tucker Carlson makes me laugh sometime, with his screwed unsubtle but cute (in an anti-way) right-winged-ness, where were the female faces on TV? The networks are pretty good at putting them there when it comes to "chat" politics (in a friendly and deweaponazing way); but obviously they can not provide the American people with cutting-edge election analysis? Oh no.
Ok, well anyway; Im off to New York, the Democrats has won the House AND the Senate, SD voted against the Abortion Ban, Rumsfeld have resigned, I got an A on a paper, my work is done for the weekend, I have new shoes to wear in NYC, my mum loves me again, the sun is shining, its 20°C in November; Life IS Great!
(Oh, and look below how good my predictions were; 5 out of 6) woho!
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Good Morning Election Day! WoHoo! My predictions in the races I think are most interesting;
VA: Webb (D) (I love this race, it has been so close, and so interesting in such a red state, Allen came across as a much more accessble man than Webb, but he really cocked up).
MD: Cardin (D).
RI: Whitehouse (D).
TN: Corker (R).
OH: Brown (D).
Yes, it is four Democrats but I dont think they will take over the Senate. But I am pretty certain they will do with the House, possibly by ca. 23-26 seats.
MD: Erlich (R).
SD: Please, please, please don't let the ban-all-abortion law pass. If you pass it I will loose a big chunk of my belif in humanity right then. I can not be clearer; please do not pass the abortion law, it is not helping anyone; it is based on lies and an outdated views on women and their bodies. Please. Please. Please show your independent thinking. I am so scared this law is going to pass.
VA: I do not think the same-sex marrige amendment is going to get through, but I wish it would, this country needs to loosen up abit. I just hope it doesnt rally Virginia voters to vote for Allan.
Okey, thats it; Im off to the gym then library all day! Hope you are having a good Election Day (particular if you are a Democrat)!
VA: Webb (D) (I love this race, it has been so close, and so interesting in such a red state, Allen came across as a much more accessble man than Webb, but he really cocked up).
MD: Cardin (D).
RI: Whitehouse (D).
TN: Corker (R).
OH: Brown (D).
Yes, it is four Democrats but I dont think they will take over the Senate. But I am pretty certain they will do with the House, possibly by ca. 23-26 seats.
MD: Erlich (R).
SD: Please, please, please don't let the ban-all-abortion law pass. If you pass it I will loose a big chunk of my belif in humanity right then. I can not be clearer; please do not pass the abortion law, it is not helping anyone; it is based on lies and an outdated views on women and their bodies. Please. Please. Please show your independent thinking. I am so scared this law is going to pass.
VA: I do not think the same-sex marrige amendment is going to get through, but I wish it would, this country needs to loosen up abit. I just hope it doesnt rally Virginia voters to vote for Allan.
Okey, thats it; Im off to the gym then library all day! Hope you are having a good Election Day (particular if you are a Democrat)!
Monday, November 06, 2006

Healthy Obsessions: I was procrastinating; trying to avoid the huge amount of papers I have to do write before I jet off to NYC this weekend. I was scrolling through the long list of obligatory graphic design, interior design and typographic design blogs I read, and I realized I had yet to even mention my obsession with these on the blog.
I have talked about feminism, Ive talked about Sweden, Ive talked about Tequila (see post below), and Ive talked about Co-ed Intramural Soccer; so Ive mentioned most of my obsessions; but I have yet to talk about the greatness of a well designed font, or the beauty of a groundbreaking wallpaper. But as I was scrolling through one of my favorite graphic design blogs (in Swedish) I came across the new logotype for the EU. What a crazy coincident; because I am also obsessed with the EU (the cooperation, the multilateralism, the normative diplomatic values, the multilayered governance, what is not to love?). So here you go! Its the one above, and I think its great! Not because it combines my two, uptil now unmentioned, obsessions, but because it is just really cool and fresh. It was designed by a 23 year old Polish guy who won a competition about it. I think he really managed to create something that embodies the EU, a multicultural collection that doesn't always seem to fit, but all put together it kind of does. Or something like that. It also just, well, look damn good!
Sunday, November 05, 2006

I woke up this morning feeling like a little piece of paper scrambled into a little ball which had then been thrown far far away. DC's nightlife is making me feel this way. But its in a good way. When you come to a new place going out is so much fun, over and over again. We are definately taking full advantage of this honeymoon period. 5pm, Georgetown on friday; My friend Ben: Hey Stine, Im out shopping in Gtown wanna come down for a coffee before seing the play. Me: Yea, why not. After coffee is finished; Us: Oh we have another 45 min, should we just go by Garrets to have a pre-play drink. Us: yea, good idea. Ben (after first round): Oh, but now I have to by a round, just to make it equal. Then we'll go. Me: Ok. Ten Hours later, 5am, Still in Georgetown; Us: *falling out of the Guards*. Me: *forgetting credit card behind bar*. Ben: *Still dancing to Paradise City*. Durita: *Skipping*. It was just one of those great nights, great weekends, Saturday much the same.
Friday, November 03, 2006

Yesterday I got a weird stomach feeling; The first snow arrived in Scandinavia, with brute force. It was chaos in Stockholm and along the coasts. A ship even collapsed on the Swedish coast, and an oil rig was floating about outside Norway (putting it that way might be understating the serverity, sorry). But here in DC we were having 19°C (66F) and shining sun; Ive been walking around in skirts and sunglasses for the past two days. Ok, I think my point is this: Im kind of missing Scandinavia. The weather difference was so stark yesterday it made me miss Scandinavia. Snow rocks. Its when the difference and the distance become so apparent that I think more about home. But knowing me; if I was at home I would certainly be moaning about all the snow. Oh its soooo coooold bla bla bla. So basically Im confused about the weather. And me missing home or not. Wow, this isnt making much sense. But rumor has it the winter is pretty cold here too, when it eventually arrives. Thankfully I packed warm socks.
Thursday, November 02, 2006

But I had one about DC too. When I lived in London it took me six months and a visit from my mother to get me to see the Houses of Parliament. I’ve been in DC for two months now; and only yesterday did I take up my friends offer of a private tour of the Congress (he interns there). Sightseeing is never really a priority; but every time I do it, it makes me feel like I get to know a new city a little bit better, like its becoming more mine and less foreign. Its a really wicked feeling.
To make a city yours, you need to know the touristy parts; as well as the cool, quirky, drunken, shiny hidden parts. Only when you know how to entertain the socks of both your 58-year-old aunt, your 12-year-old niece and your 25-year-old best friend so that they never want to go home; you can know you are home. Seeing the Congress was not like exploring Dupont Circle nightlife, but in all ways both are life-depending necessary for my DC trip.
Sunday, October 29, 2006

So this was Halloween weekend. Well, actual Halloween is on Tuesday, but hey; if Macy’s can start selling Christmas things in September we can dress up two days before. Plus apparently Halloween is a big thing over here. Dressing up has really never been one of my favourite things to do, I love love love to wear nice clothes for a good night out, I do not love so much walking around dressed like a John Wayne.
Plus apparently its not just fancy dress for girls, we got informed that basically grown-up girls take Halloween very seriously as the only weekend of the year when dressing up slutty is acceptable.
I'm not big fan of dressing slutty either, and particularly not when it is expected of me to do so. But we did see and hear about Slutty FBI Agents, Slutty Alice in Wonderland, Slutty Photographer, Slutty Ice-hockey Team, and my favourite; Slutty Pandas. I opted out of the slutty dressing; it was a good choice.
Since I am chronically late for everything I only started thinking of my outfit at 9 on Saturday evening, with all the shops closed I had to construct something out of my own wardrobe, I realized none of my clothes are particularly funny. But after much trying on outfits we created a spectacularly obvious outfit of me being a 80s sailors wife from the ghetto. What is that you might wonder? Well it is what happens if you just put on a stripy dress (the nautical part), a velour hoodie (the ghetto part) and make my hair even more 80s that it already is (the 80s part if you didn’t get that). Voila; White Sailor Trash.
Pictorial evidence of the night is on the flickr page.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Soccer: FC Becken-Bauer is looking to have an honest chance at the indoor-five-aside-mixed-soccer-GW-championship this year. Our first play-off match was won last night by 1-8, next clash is on Wednesday, final on Sunday if we get there.
It really is true, we are just sin, sin, sin: Now I have to study the oppression of women since like Ancient Greece; that is a lot of oppression. Did you know that the saying "rule of thumb" comes from the times when a man was allowed to beat his wife with anything that was thinner than his own thumb.
Early Christian church fathers encouranged men to beat their wives for her own charity, because obviously we women embody the original sin (well, you did know we ate the apple and like, just made life hell for everyone, for the rest of all time). We, with our sexualness, stood in the way from men achieving great things, we embody guilt, sin, deformation, unwholiness and therefore we are just as Simone De Beauvoir said; the Second Sex. We should really be ashamed of ourselves, really. But I guess I have chosen not to have a conscience instead, oh well, who can be bothered feeling guilty all the time anyway, I got better things to do.
It really is true, we are just sin, sin, sin: Now I have to study the oppression of women since like Ancient Greece; that is a lot of oppression. Did you know that the saying "rule of thumb" comes from the times when a man was allowed to beat his wife with anything that was thinner than his own thumb.
Early Christian church fathers encouranged men to beat their wives for her own charity, because obviously we women embody the original sin (well, you did know we ate the apple and like, just made life hell for everyone, for the rest of all time). We, with our sexualness, stood in the way from men achieving great things, we embody guilt, sin, deformation, unwholiness and therefore we are just as Simone De Beauvoir said; the Second Sex. We should really be ashamed of ourselves, really. But I guess I have chosen not to have a conscience instead, oh well, who can be bothered feeling guilty all the time anyway, I got better things to do.
Sunday, October 22, 2006

Lets talk about Scandinavia: Ok I don't have time to tell you all I know about Scandinavia, its a lot. And I certainly don't have space to tell you all that is good with Scandinavia, its a lot. But I can tell you this; The new Swedish embassy opened in DC over this weekend I went down to have a look at it, plus the Ark (very big Swedish band) was playing so I got some music as a reward for dragging myself out of bed at 4 in the afternoon (hey, its Sunday). It is beautifully located on the waterfront by the Pontomac river, and is an excellent symbolization of Swedish design and values. Its mainly glass to show transparency, I think its a thing Sweden is trying to do with most newly built embassies because I saw some Discovery Channel documentary on it. The only thing Im not sure I liked was how they have painted parts of the glass wooden, Im not sure if I thought that came off as good as it could have done, maybe better to have actually just kept those parts in actual wood since that is again pretty Scandinavian. But hey I guess its postmodern or something, like anti-wood maybe. Anyway, as Ola Salo (singer of the Ark) said; "Finally we have built a house to once and for all learn you guys the difference between Sweden and Switzerland". He also stopped mid-between-song speech to watch a big passenger plane fly by, to then say "Well you know we got to keep an eye on those things over here, you just never know where they are going to hit", . Auouch, There were definitely more laughs for the first joke, I really don't think America is ready for 9/11 jokes just quite yet.
Second thing about Scandinavia: I mean could go on aall day about it but I just want to share one quick thing that has hit me recently too. It goes a little something like this; Scandinavia is pretty big; there isn't a lot of ppl living in Scandinavia; this gives the ppl living there a lot of space to move around in; from this we have become pretty aware of space, personal space; I have become aware of personal space; I hate sharing a room. Yepp, I blame my Scandinavian-ness for my inability to get on with my housemates and that is fine, it is simply unnatural to expect me to be happy about waking up in the morning with two near-strangers asleep in my bedroom. Its got to stop, Im trying to move out, hey what can I do, Im Scandinavian.
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Right now Im just sitting and contemplating what the North Korean nuclear test means for the world that we live in. I went to see a talk by Jack Pritchard, the president of the Korea Economic institute (KEI), today and it made me think about war and peace. Is it possible that I will not see a world in peace in my life time? Very likely. Does that make me sad? Very. But its only over recent developments that I have come to think like this, before, I was convinced that as long as we just sort this problem, or just that problem out, then we will move towards a world in relative peace.
I really believe in Robert Cooper's idea that state's can become postmodern; where we are so internconnected through trade and a shared belief in non-hostile solutions to conflicts, that war will no longer seem like an appropriate option. Basically, its believing in diplomacy, just like the states within the European Union does today, or Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Other states, like the US, can be seen as modern, who still resorts to hostile measures. I was not a Realist who believed the world to be in a constant struggle for power. And I am still not, but living in America has certainly dampened my idealism, I find myself settling in to the thought of the world being, at least in a majority of places, in a state of disorganization and instability.
The North Korean bomb was just another sign the world is becoming a more, not less, dangerous place. Its like waking up from the 1990s where everything was kind of going ok, Eastern Europe became democratized, there was economic growth after the 80s and technonlogy spurred everything on. But now it kind of seems a bit gloomy again, with Iraq, Iran, North Korea (or the Axis of Evil as Bush likes to refer them as). Russia is again acting like a Authoritarian state, Africa is seeing little progress and there is sudden real possibliliy of a nuclear arms race with Kim Jong-il, who is honestly frightfully mad.
I just get a feeling it doesn't have to be like this though, American foreign policy has not convinced me, I might see the world more gloomy but that doesn't mean I believe that we are reacting the way we should do. Im hoping for a return to diplomacy, a returned belief in that war isn't the good solution. A return to multilateral talks, not bombings. And, it would be really helpful if this U-turn came now, not after Kim Jong-il have bombed Seoul, been attacked by China and sold all its knowledge and plutonium to terrorist groups, and to Iran. Thats what I hope for, some progressiveness please.
I really believe in Robert Cooper's idea that state's can become postmodern; where we are so internconnected through trade and a shared belief in non-hostile solutions to conflicts, that war will no longer seem like an appropriate option. Basically, its believing in diplomacy, just like the states within the European Union does today, or Canada, Australia or New Zealand. Other states, like the US, can be seen as modern, who still resorts to hostile measures. I was not a Realist who believed the world to be in a constant struggle for power. And I am still not, but living in America has certainly dampened my idealism, I find myself settling in to the thought of the world being, at least in a majority of places, in a state of disorganization and instability.
The North Korean bomb was just another sign the world is becoming a more, not less, dangerous place. Its like waking up from the 1990s where everything was kind of going ok, Eastern Europe became democratized, there was economic growth after the 80s and technonlogy spurred everything on. But now it kind of seems a bit gloomy again, with Iraq, Iran, North Korea (or the Axis of Evil as Bush likes to refer them as). Russia is again acting like a Authoritarian state, Africa is seeing little progress and there is sudden real possibliliy of a nuclear arms race with Kim Jong-il, who is honestly frightfully mad.
I just get a feeling it doesn't have to be like this though, American foreign policy has not convinced me, I might see the world more gloomy but that doesn't mean I believe that we are reacting the way we should do. Im hoping for a return to diplomacy, a returned belief in that war isn't the good solution. A return to multilateral talks, not bombings. And, it would be really helpful if this U-turn came now, not after Kim Jong-il have bombed Seoul, been attacked by China and sold all its knowledge and plutonium to terrorist groups, and to Iran. Thats what I hope for, some progressiveness please.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Oh so tired, oh so happy, oh so wonderfully lively again. The road trip was one of the best things I have ever done in my life, we have seen so much, met so many remeberable people and laught so much it would be impossible to describe almost. I wont try now either, its Sunday night and we have been lost on the road for more than we have been on the right way today. We survived at least, motells, casinos, old ladies, diners, married men, the beach, and danish pop music aside. Plenty of pictures to come. Til then; good night, and thank you for stopping by!
Friday, October 13, 2006
8.15 AM Friday morning, I am severely disillusioned today. Disillusioned with the American university system, and disillusioned with my own capability to write, anything, let alone a report on the Latvian transition process to democracy. Okey, maybe I’m overreacting a little bit (and not forgetting the ridiculously early morning), my point is this; GWU workload=huge, gigantic (compared to English University). However, it doesn’t reach the analytical level I am used to, it’s basically simpler. Because there is so much of it (quantity wise) it is harder to do a really excellent job with it once you are doing it, there just isn’t time or space. I have slept three hours today, about four on average this week, the Gelman library walls have become my mine. Thankfully, thankfully; there isn’t a Eastern European democracy in the world, or a grayer library or more square eyes that can revert the fact that the four-Scandinavian-girls-take-on-Philadelphia-and-Atlantic City-watch-out-Road Trip is departing today at 1300h! Getting out of Foggy Bottom, and greater DC, is going to be so liberating. We are going to see fields, maybe cows, maybe Amish people, some sea, and what has apparently been called; America’s Blackpool (Atlantic City). It couldn’t sound better, freedom here we come.
Monday, October 09, 2006
There seems to be no stopping FC Becken-Bauer this season (well, our first season), the now-near-legendary indoor-five-aside keeps on getting better and better. Our fourth victory today was, again, a convincing team effort and we are now safely in the playoffs. I so so should be doing work, writing essays on if the ability to give birth were restricting or empowering for women in Ancient Greek and on the transition process to democracy in Latvia, but its much more fun planning our road trip this weekend. We are either going to Niagara Falls or Atlantic City. Undecided yet but its going to be 4 girls, a big SUV and the road so it will be fun either way!
Friday, October 06, 2006

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I love love love being in DC because of the politics. Well, It’s not like I hang around the Congress all the time (although my friend Dave does since he work there, and I probably would if I had more time) but it still so very real here. As the Mark Foley scandal develops I can’t help but follow it religiously like it was my hometown Swedish football team playing the Champions League. Oh, and what a scandal by the way, everything you need from a political cock-up; gay politicians, too young boys, alcoholism, dirty emails, cover-ups, the Republican Party, a speaker of the house in trouble, a bunch of suited overweight men desperately saving themselves, pundits on MainStreamMedia competing for the most dramatically delivered self-absorbed cutting analysis, and the editor pages of our newspapers calling for resignation left, right and center, all this 34 days before a national election. From my point of view, be gay all you want, I think we need more gay men in Congress anyway(or at least less gay men suppressing their sexual orientation until complete collapse, we need more women and gay men everywhere), but this was involving 16 year old boys. That is plain wrong, go gay cruising late at night all you want but don’t prey on adolescents. Secondly, if you are the Republican Party, please be smart, you're educated; don’t let him stand next to the president signing a bill to catch internet pervs. Let him resign for something, move him away, don’t let me continue to walk the floor around 16 year old boys if he has a problem with it, don’t leave it so the Democrats can drop it 34 days before the midterms. In essence, Foley cant blame alcoholism, and the Republicans have cocked it up so much this time (not saying that the Democrats never had) that they should pay dearly for this, just like the Democrats did in 1994.
Friday, September 29, 2006

I Pulled a muscle in my leg on Sunday, I lost my wallet at a gig on Monday, my computer crashed on Wednesday, there was a storm on Thursday, I have slept bad all week, I have no clean clothes, my article isnt written yet and I didnt understand anything in my class today. Thank Goodness its Friday! I woke up with a smile, had lunch at the IMF, going out for a glass of wine tonight, it should be ok, thank goodness for the weekend.
Here's me and my friend Dave a couple of weekends ago, hoping tonight and tomorrow will be as good of a night as we had then. Georgetown v. Adams Morgan, tough choice but Im thinking Georgetown.
I spoiled my self on since to recover from my disasterous week and bought a shiny wee new digital camera so lots of photos coming up.
Woho, its Friday!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
First sign of me becoming Americanized: Four weeks ago I walked into a Starbucks ordering a small latte, two minutes ago I walked in ordering a double-tall-skimmed-sugarfree hazelnut-latte in that really fast way that only Starbucks employees can understand. They completely understood me and shouted the double-tall-skimmed-sugarfee hazelnut-latte to the back and I got my coffee in a really speedy-starbucksy-American-coffee-shop kind of way. Im telling you, its like a new, albeit unusable, language.
My universe got a little shake-up yesterday when my companion in life, the ibook, crashed completely unexpectedly. It made the rest of my day that little bit worse. It's in computer hospital now. I hate that Im such a sucker for technology. But then today I realized again why, when I came across some leaked material from the new Killers album, Sam's Town. It's damn good, Particularly like "When You Were Young". Listen here!
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Monday, September 25, 2006
On Fotball: On a lighter note than the one below; FC Becken-Bauer won its second indoor five-aside fotball game today, 10-8. The drama again was gripping, as we were only two girls playing (two girls have to be on the whole time) and I tore a muscle in my leg only 2 minutes into the game; we were all of the sudden 4-and-a-half players for the rest of the match. But the team certainly pulled together and manage to step up and win again, whilst I was hopping along in defense, twisting in agony ever time I touched the ball. I can now hardly walk but I hope it gets better tomorrow!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
On the Abortion Debate: Maybe its because I come from Scandinavia, or maybe its because I’ve been lucky to get liberal upbringing but I actually get terrified by the abortion debate in this country. It gives me chills down my back and it really scares the living daylight out of me. But I wont go into how women should be able to decide over their own body, nor about how the world have enough unwanted babies as it is or about how far a fertilized egg is from being a human being, and I won't even mention a womens's basic right to enjoy sex. Right now I'm just terrified by atrocious violent discourse that is common use in the pro-choice/pro-life debate.
I have been researching a paper on the recent developments on the South Dakota abortion ban (which only allows termination if the mother’s life is in danger, not in any other circumstances, not even if she’s raped or a victim of incest) and I came across this blog post that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Its written by a blogger called BB about her trying to get the morning-after-pill after her and her partner of several years used a faulty condom (they already have several children together but simply not the economy for one more).
She got mainly friendly support but the pro-life movement really came out to show off its best side with comments like these: (more here).
Michael: Logic would indicate that if you didn't want to get pregnant you shouldn't have been screwing. You have a CHOICE not to get fucked, right? You're sound as if you were raped. Sex doesn't happen on accident. You have no self control and now you have to have an abortion or a fourth child. Dumbass.
Dumb Bitch: What an obviously fabricated story, stupid bitch. Yes, it is George Bush's fault you are a slut and can't kill your baby, that's right, ok...
Anon: There's a really simple solution. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. It's that easy, Suck it up and act like a responsible adult, and the next time you have any sort of sexual intercourse, have the maturity to understand what you're doing.
Joe: Dirty whores like you are sickening.. deal with responsibility you abortion whore.
Is it just me; or does that scare you a little bit?
I have been researching a paper on the recent developments on the South Dakota abortion ban (which only allows termination if the mother’s life is in danger, not in any other circumstances, not even if she’s raped or a victim of incest) and I came across this blog post that has been getting a lot of attention lately. Its written by a blogger called BB about her trying to get the morning-after-pill after her and her partner of several years used a faulty condom (they already have several children together but simply not the economy for one more).
She got mainly friendly support but the pro-life movement really came out to show off its best side with comments like these: (more here).
Michael: Logic would indicate that if you didn't want to get pregnant you shouldn't have been screwing. You have a CHOICE not to get fucked, right? You're sound as if you were raped. Sex doesn't happen on accident. You have no self control and now you have to have an abortion or a fourth child. Dumbass.
Dumb Bitch: What an obviously fabricated story, stupid bitch. Yes, it is George Bush's fault you are a slut and can't kill your baby, that's right, ok...
Anon: There's a really simple solution. If you don't want to get pregnant, don't have sex. It's that easy, Suck it up and act like a responsible adult, and the next time you have any sort of sexual intercourse, have the maturity to understand what you're doing.
Joe: Dirty whores like you are sickening.. deal with responsibility you abortion whore.
Is it just me; or does that scare you a little bit?
Friday, September 22, 2006
Sunday, September 17, 2006
You will all be pleased to know that FC Becken-Bauer has officially won it's first clash in the GWU intermurial soccer tournament (and I have never been this tired in my whole life)! We fought an incredibly close and though 5-aside indoor game that was in constant swing, the final result: 8-7. The last two mintues being particularly gripping as both teamed scored twice in the thriller that will go straight into the history books! Next game is in a week, we are expecting Mr Beckenbauer to show up this time.

I don’t know whether to be happy or sad to see Bristol-born graffiti artist Banksy have made it big time. As an ex-East-Londoner his work is very close to my heart as it made my walk to work everyday like a stroll in a twisted solo exhibition, his things were so him that they stood out and all the rest faded. I loved his bigger works as the Old Street Bridge (above) and the magnificent and huge Pulp Fiction scene (with Jackson and Travolta holding bananas instead of guns) by the O S tube station, as well as the little rats and Guantanamo prisoners dotted all over the place. (Other great things!)
I have without a doubt seen much more of his works than Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie and Jude Law, who were all seen strolling around the opening of his three-day exhibition (“Barely Legal”) in a industrial warehouse in downtown LA last week. Mainstream press have not been far behind and he has reached the BBC and the Guardian (who have featured him before), but even more weird (or impressive) is that he is now discussed in the cultural section of the Swedish centre-right-wing newspaper Svenska Dagbladet! That is the paper my grandmother reads! Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.
Anyway, at least he has not lost his beat as he exhibits a big and alive elephant that he has spray-painted pink!, with visitors were given the flyer stating “There's an elephant in the room. There's a problem we never talk about. The fact is that life isn't getting any fairer. 1.7 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. 20 billion people live below the poverty line. Every day hundreds of people are made to physically be sick by morons at art shows telling them how bad the world is but never actually doing something about it. Anybody want a free glass of wine?” Plus some pirating works on Paris Hilton’s CD that is also great (and done together with another personal favourite Dj Danger Mouse). Is he selling out? I'm not commenting, I still love him for Shorditch!
Friday, September 15, 2006
Hola! Just posting two pictures from last weekend before this one gets off properly! mm.its Friday morning and I have not in long been waiting for the weekend this much, incredibly stressful week with work. Just some reading to do now and then freedom. Still have to write my first editorial piece on the Swedish general election by Monday. How is your weekend shaping up?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

I always come back from my Women in Western Civilization class inspired. What I found most interesting today is the difference between how we worship women, both in history and today, is so separate from what powers we dare to give them. To use an older example; the Statue of Liberty is, as the name suggests, a celebration of freedom and she is in fact a women. However, if she were a living person it would take her 34 years (from 1886 to 1920) for her to be able to vote in the very country she was meant to symbolize freedom for. Well actually, she was born in France so would have to wait nearly 50 years (or more than half her life, France gave women the vote in 1945).
Today maybe the examples are a little bit less statuary (excuse the pun) but lets say; when did you last see a movie with a plot including a beautiful woman? (Counting porn is voluntary), and how many films have you seen directed by a woman? In a typical museum, how many of the art works includes a naked woman? And how many art works is by a woman? When did you last have the ability to vote for a female politician? How many great women did you study in your history class beyond Queen Elizabeth and Jeanne D'arc compared to the Hitlers, Ceasars, Stalins, and Francos?
Well, I just find it interesting, correct me if I am wrong..
Sunday, September 10, 2006

Friday, September 08, 2006
Wow, I've had such an nice response to this blog. I got ichy fingers now and finding it hard not writing posts every half hour. Last night we threw a surprise party for Spanish-Fernando, and he was indeed very surprised, and very happy I think! I have never thrown a surprise party for anyone before, it was a lot of fun, it is now certainly on my things-to-do-more-often-list. Up there with reading George Orwell,talking about feminism and calling my mum.
Turns out the World Bank Soccer party was yesterday too so we went after the surprise thing, but not so surprisingly it was rather dry. All I can say is that being in DC is inspiring both day and night. For me, here politics have become touchable, its amazing! Walking past the American Red Cross, the IMF and the State Department (foreign office) every day have sharpened and focused me I think. I guess when studying politics in Leeds it feels like a science, being here I can see that its a profession, a living, and undoubtedly something I want to work with in the future. Its forcefully inspiring, but for the first time seeing the contour of what I want my career to look like is also awfully frightening. How am I going to get there? Am I good enough? Why would anyone ever want to give ME any responsibility? Thankfully DC so far is more inspiring than frightening. Phew!
Turns out the World Bank Soccer party was yesterday too so we went after the surprise thing, but not so surprisingly it was rather dry. All I can say is that being in DC is inspiring both day and night. For me, here politics have become touchable, its amazing! Walking past the American Red Cross, the IMF and the State Department (foreign office) every day have sharpened and focused me I think. I guess when studying politics in Leeds it feels like a science, being here I can see that its a profession, a living, and undoubtedly something I want to work with in the future. Its forcefully inspiring, but for the first time seeing the contour of what I want my career to look like is also awfully frightening. How am I going to get there? Am I good enough? Why would anyone ever want to give ME any responsibility? Thankfully DC so far is more inspiring than frightening. Phew!
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Things Ive learnt today:
In prehistoric times, as cave painting shows, women were worshiped, and had the central role in society. However, they did not dominate this society, rather, man and women lived in an equal partnership. Women were seen near magical becuase of their ability to create life and bleed for days without dying.
In my US - European Relations class I learnt that the French really just eat baguettes, give their children wine, smoke and protect their farmers. The Germans are busy not-being-Nazis and therefore not too useful either. The Brits did run an empire once but that ability has gone out of the window. Thankfully America is there to save us! Ok, sorry I will try not to be cynical, hand on heart I love America already but I did have to defend France when someone accused their actions regarding the Iraq war as driven by profits (from arms-trade and oil). Hmm..
Okey, enough! Its a beautiful day here, 25°C and we have busy weekend ahead with lots of great nights, I think Im invited to some World Bank party on Friday! I also have to write an essay on a time when I experienced sexism. Will let you know!
In prehistoric times, as cave painting shows, women were worshiped, and had the central role in society. However, they did not dominate this society, rather, man and women lived in an equal partnership. Women were seen near magical becuase of their ability to create life and bleed for days without dying.
In my US - European Relations class I learnt that the French really just eat baguettes, give their children wine, smoke and protect their farmers. The Germans are busy not-being-Nazis and therefore not too useful either. The Brits did run an empire once but that ability has gone out of the window. Thankfully America is there to save us! Ok, sorry I will try not to be cynical, hand on heart I love America already but I did have to defend France when someone accused their actions regarding the Iraq war as driven by profits (from arms-trade and oil). Hmm..
Okey, enough! Its a beautiful day here, 25°C and we have busy weekend ahead with lots of great nights, I think Im invited to some World Bank party on Friday! I also have to write an essay on a time when I experienced sexism. Will let you know!

I just wanted to push for my favourite website in the whole wide world. The card above is one of this weeks contributions to Postsecret, which is a beautiful community arts project where people can email their secrets on a postcard. they are posted online every Sunday and they often make me laugh out loud or cry and everything else in between. The link is under My Links!
And for those of you who live in DC there is going to be an Postsecret exhibition and talk at the George Mason University on the 6th of Oct at 6 p.m.
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Hola! The Ernesto Tropical Storm has been and gone. Ive choosen my courses, one in Women Studies of course. My roommates have moved in! End of privacy; but so Im relieved they seems tolerable, even enjoyable. We are going to live on top of each other in a small reconstructed hotel suite for a year. I think its going to be a really tough test for me.
Im going to have two people sleeping in my bedroom every day I wake up for a for a whole year! Feel like if I can live like this, I can survive a everything!
Im going to have two people sleeping in my bedroom every day I wake up for a for a whole year! Feel like if I can live like this, I can survive a everything!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Hey! Wow this is my first post, Tadah: it happened! Its a bit nerveracking, who is going to read this? How can I keep it interesting to everyone, from DC to London to Stockholm? I promise to try my hardest!
I always forget first impressions, both of people and places. You are so busy soaking up a everything whilst being bombarded with even more new stuff. Its tricky, but this time I decided to write this blog. Maybe it will organize the chaos!
First couple of days have been exciting and inspiring, but tiring. Walking down the street in my new home city can give me a smiley-smug feeling. But trying to buy pillows and bedding where no one uses a duvet cover can take three hours. Lost In Translation.
Besides all this the best thing has been all the fabulously great people I've met. The American students aren't here yet, but there is nothing like getting drunk with people with five different nationalities :) Lost In Translation Goes to the Pub.
My roommates have not moved in yet, we're sharing one bedroom between three of us! Im interested to see how I deal with having no personal space.
Out for dinner and a class of wine! (maybe a bottle).
I always forget first impressions, both of people and places. You are so busy soaking up a everything whilst being bombarded with even more new stuff. Its tricky, but this time I decided to write this blog. Maybe it will organize the chaos!
First couple of days have been exciting and inspiring, but tiring. Walking down the street in my new home city can give me a smiley-smug feeling. But trying to buy pillows and bedding where no one uses a duvet cover can take three hours. Lost In Translation.
Besides all this the best thing has been all the fabulously great people I've met. The American students aren't here yet, but there is nothing like getting drunk with people with five different nationalities :) Lost In Translation Goes to the Pub.
My roommates have not moved in yet, we're sharing one bedroom between three of us! Im interested to see how I deal with having no personal space.
Out for dinner and a class of wine! (maybe a bottle).
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